Shoulder impingement treatment
Exercises that actually work
We have carried out extensive research into shoulder impingement, the different types and the current recommended best practice.
Best treatment method
The MUJO shoulder impingement treatment plan is designed to detect weaknesses and problems in your shoulder that would otherwise go undetected, and restore a healthy shoulder function. Our treatment plan is individualised to you regardless of the type of impingement you may be suffering from.
Avoid surgery
Our research shows that surgeries to relieve shoulder impingement symptoms are not necessary and are not more beneficial than conservative treatment options. However, physiotherapy is not the best it can be. We have used the recommended protocols and have combined it with our smart technology to ensure you get a personalised treatment plan that works for you and provides immediate benefits.
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Full Treatment Plan and Details
Who is this treatment for?
If any of the following apply to you, then this treatment plan is for you.
Signs and Symptoms
You can potentially suffer from a wide range of signs and symptoms as there are multiple types of shoulder impingement.
Some of the more noticeable symptoms are:
- Pain[1–3].
- Weakness[4, 5].
- Changes in Range of Motion[5].
- Shoulder fatigue[5–8].
You Tried Conventional Physio, but Are Unhappy with the Results or it did not Work for You
Our research shows that it can be difficult to correctly diagnose the type of shoulder impingement and the underlying cause. Therefore, it is difficult to prescribe optimal conventional physiotherapy individualised to you and thus it is likely you were not given a very well defined exercise program[9]. However, our technology eliminates the need to detect the type of impingement, but can better detect underlying causes, especially if it is rotator cuff related. Therefore, our treatment plan can be better individualised to you and properly target muscles and areas of concern.
Similarly, one of the highly recommended exercises patterns for shoulder impingement syndrome are based on proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF)[10]. These are very difficult to perform outside a controlled setting. Therefore, there was no way to ensure you were performing your home exercises correctly. A study by Faber et al.[11] showed that only 24% of subjects who were all student physiotherapists performed exercises correctly. Our Smart devices, ensure you perform your exercises correctly, by guiding the actual motion and timing of each rep.
You Want to Avoid Undergoing Surgery for Shoulder Impingement
The usual step after conventional physiotherapy failure is surgery of some sort. One of the main surgeries for shoulder impingement syndrome is known as subacromial decompression[1]. This involves a permanent change to the tip of your shoulder blade. The underside of the tip is shaved away to make more room inside your joint.
This type of surgery doesn’t always work and patients have reported to continue to suffer from pain or even require further surgery[12, 13]. In addition a review in 2015 showed that surgery is not more beneficial than conservative treatment[14].
We provide an alternative treatment plan that is designed to be far more effective than conventional physiotherapy with the aim to avoid surgery and restore good shoulder health.
You Want to Get Better and Get Better Quickly
You would not be here if you didn’t want this.
Who is this Treatment Not Suitable For?
You Have Not Yet Been Diagnosed to Have Shoulder Impingement
Ideally, you should have been diagnosed with shoulder impingement before you come to us for treatment. However, it is not necessary as our treatment package includes an in-depth assessment of your upper quadrant. This will identify weaknesses and other problems that can be rectified with an individualised treatment plan.
Designed to be Better and Quicker than Conventional Physiotherapy
Best Practice
A multitude of studies have suggested many different types of conservative treatment protocols for shoulder impingement. The most effective protocols include those exercises that are based on PNF, neuromuscular control or motor learning, eccentric loading, stretching and scapulothoracic muscle strengthening[10, 16–20]. Some suggest that neuromuscular control exercises are the best in comparison to the other exercises types[21, 22].
The exercise programs need to be individualised to the patients[23]. Our technology allows for very specific exercise and motion definitions to ensure every exercise prescribed is individualised to you.
Get in Touch to Find Out More
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