Via our flagship private clinic we offer treatments for a variety of conditions, either before or after surgery or as a non-invasive drug-free conservative treatment option, as well as a range of wellness or performance-related programs.
When you book in with us you will have an initial trainer-led or physiotherapist-led session where a full assessment on the MUJO devices and data-driven report will be completed and discussed with you. Depending on the goals you agree with your trainer or physiotherapist you will then be given a personalised exercise plan and further face-to-face support before progressing onto direct access to the ‘smart’ devices and self-management.
With professional oversight you will be in charge of your rehabilitation, completing exercises in a ‘safe zone’ with real-time digital guidance on movement quality and progress against plan displayed via iPads integrated into the devices. Throughout your program you can also assess your performance at each session and track overall progress anytime via your own online MUJO account.