best exercises for frozen shoulder

The previous article described 7 home-based stretches and exercises published by Harvard Medical School. This article takes Harvard’s program a step further by introducing our MUJO devices and possibly makes this the best exercises for frozen shoulder. The following exercises we describe are typical and not individualised to a specific individual. We advise everyone to undergo an assessment with a clinician before self-managing their frozen shoulder.

Two categories of exercises we typically prescribe for a frozen shoulder are as follows:


1 – Internal rotation starting at 15 deg of elevation with limited range

We understand that many patients with a frozen shoulder find it very difficult to open up their body, rotate and elevate their arms out and up. Our patients typically start low down and within small limits of motion. The starting external rotation is increased until the patient cannot reach the new position or feels pain/apprehension. Thereafter the elevation angle is increased by 15deg to 30deg and the same process of starting with a small range to a larger range is performed. This continues until the elevation angle is set to 90 degrees or as high as the patient can without pain. The aim is to reach 90 degrees over a few sessions.

The purpose of this set of internal rotation exercises is to warm up the shoulder and slowly encourage it to open up and allow a larger range of motion then without the exercise.

Our patients typically feel that their effected shoulder is a little more robust and that they can do more with it at this point. This leads them onto the next set of exercises nicely. 


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2 – External rotation starting at 15 deg of elevation with limited range

Next, our patients typically perform a similar set of external rotation exercises. This enables them to increase their shoulder strength and help them increase their active range of motion. Some of our patients find these set of exercises much more difficult to perform as they require a little more strength and force in comparison to the internal rotation exercises.

The combination of these two sets of exercises are designed to strengthen and increase the range of the frozen shoulder. The aim is to restore normal pain-free function. You can book in a free 30 minute session to try these exercises with us at our Aldgate Clinic.

Book a free 30 minute session to try these exercises

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